Edward Joseph O'Halloran Junior

EdJr6Mos.jpg (39530 bytes) Edward Junior at 6 months of age

EdJr_1yr4mos.jpg (156438 bytes) Edward Junior at 1 year 4 months of age

EdJr_Confirm.jpg (23729 bytes) Edward Junior's Confirmation

EdJr_8thGradeGrad.jpg (177942 bytes) Edward Junior's 8th Grade Portrait

EdJr_Grad1936.jpg (117433 bytes) Edward Junior's 8th Grade Graduation Certificate





EdJr_GQ.jpg (34280 bytes) Edward Junior in his GQ pose

EdJr_Hip.jpg (34297 bytes) Edward Junior as a Hip Guy

EdJr_Studious.jpg (30337 bytes) Edward Junior's Studious Look (you can see both Eddy and Jimmy in this picture)

EdJr-Navy.jpg (57824 bytes) Edward Joseph Jr. - Navy Portrait

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